Today’s Report

I did many things today, but got nothing all the way to done, so, it doesn’t feel very accomplishment-ish, but, oh well. I was busy and productive anyway, even if it doesn’t feel like it.

Partly this may be because I was moving a bit slow, because I was awakened quite thoroughly at 4am, when what must have been a raccoon was walking across my roof–no, not walking, veritably SCRABBLING, scratching with its nasty claws, slipping, catching itself; stopping, starting again; etc. And (after I got over the WTF IS THAT????) I was thinking, How in the world did it even get up there? And why?? This is a two-story house over a full basement. Sure, they can climb, but what was it even looking for all the way up there?

I dunno. Animals, man. Who can figure them?

And I took the evening off and had a lovely dinner out with a good friend who I don’t see nearly often enough. That was fun.

Earlier, during my swim, I got to wallowing in a bit of regret–a funny sort of regret: my life is so good now, I’m doing work that I enjoy tremendously, and I’m in a relationship that nourishes and delights me, and my creative life is just burgeoning, and I have this wonderful house and garden, and I have good friends who make me feel better and I’ve moved away from toxic friends who make me feel worse–and the regret is, why did it take me so long to get here? Why did I stay trapped in that old life for so long, where I handed away all my agency and control to others? What a waste of time and energy, and so many of my younger and more energetic years!

And then I think what a silly regret that is to have, because my life IS so very good now, and then I just appreciate where I am. But, yeah. Food for thought.

Oh and: I will be away from the internets tomorrow. Just FYI. See y’all Sunday. 🙂

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