Ugh, being without a computer for days was hard! I use it for so much. I feel like I have the rest of my brain back now.
Unfortunately, I don’t think the repair solved the problem…so I may have to take it back in for the next level of intervention. But I’m not sure. It was wonky soon after I brought it home; now it’s been fine for hours. Maybe the new part just had to warm up or something? 🙂 Yeah, I know. But I am the Queen of Wishful Thinking.
Anyway, it was a busy and fun weekend, despite leaving half my brain at the Apple store. I went up to Seattle to attend the nuptials of Brilliant Editor and Genius Designer (also Cover Model, you might notice):
It was a guerrilla wedding–eight guests, undisclosed location, Top Seekrit till after it happened. And we were like a pack of spies, glancing over our shoulders to make sure the authorities weren’t onto us. But we pulled it off! And then had a fun evening out afterwards, wining and dining the happy couple.
Sunday, Mark and I laid low, rejecting all potential social plans in favor of time spent alone together. Something that has been in short supply for a while. And then today, I drove back to Portland (in the rain…), picked up the computer, and have been spending most of the evening reading–my book group meets tomorrow and I just started reading the book last night. Oops. It’s good though! Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. I’m about halfway through now, and quite enjoying it.
So, back to it.