So I have been so VERY VERY BUSY since I got home…lots of freelance work, which is awesome; and tons of gardening (o my god the weeds); and getting back on top of the exercise/diet efforts; and just general stuff around the house…
But no work on Hobgoblin.
It’s not that I haven’t done writing-related stuff; since I got into Book View Cafe (official launch is still coming up, don’t worry, I Will Announce) I’ve been working on what I need to do to get up to speed there, and starting to put together my collection–but I haven’t done any, you know, WRITING writing. Hobgoblin is just sitting here on my desk, looking forlorn and abandoned.
I tell myself it’s okay, I’ll get back to it, this is just a crazy time–and it’s true, two trips to California with just a scant week in between (why couldn’t these friends have planned their weddings to suit my schedule better?) :-)–but this keeps happening, I get good momentum going and then…get interrupted, by something large and time-consuming and distracting, and then I have to climb back into the book all over again.
I do well working on several projects at once; I actually like to spend an hour or two on something, then move to something else, letting my backbrain catch up slowly, as it does; but this–this is too many projects to touch all of them in one day. So I end up proofreading, and editing outside stuff, and going for a swim, and proofing some more, and gardening, and cooking dinner, and proofing…and then it’s 11:30 and maybe I can get a little fun-reading in before I conk out.
I dunno. I’m not exactly complaining–I love all the things I have on my plate–but, well, I guess I wish the plate was bigger. Or something.
Maybe, just maybe, after the second trip is done, and after Mark’s parents’ visit just after that is done….yeah. I don’t know. Busy times.