I opened the Hobgoblin file today…the last time I opened it was May 24.
So of course this means I’m having to go back and reread from the start, again. Sigh. I’d gotten up to chapter 8 on my last edit-round, before the month of June interrupted. I’ve been reading (and making little edits) all evening; I’m up to chapter 5. It’s going pretty well, though I remember I left it at a tangled place, up there in chapter 8. (And here’s a whole page of handwritten notes about that tangle…hmm…)
I would really, really, REALLY love to get this edit done all the way through before the next thing interrupts. Honest to god, there’s a good book in here, if only I had the time to focus on it.
Elsewise, I worked on a big freelance job today, and puttered in the garden an hour or so, and never left the Witchnest Acres. Which was lovely. The weather is just perfect–80s, not 90s–so comfortable.
And that was the day.