It was a lovely evening last night at Miss H.’s, for her deck-warming; the deck is magnificent, we much enjoyed sitting upon it.
Also, Miss H. had hired a chef for the occasion, to teach her the mysteries of barbecuing. So the food was similarly magnificent. We had several kinds of grilled steak; and grilled salmon; and grilled vegetables; and grilled salad (yes, grilled SALAD); and grilled fruit (yes); and just every single thing. And then four desserts.
And the company was magnificent too. Miss H. runs a small bed and breakfast here in the neighborhood; the guests this week were a nice couple from Boston, and we had a marvelous time talking to them.
I mean, it was just magnificent, start to finish. I’m entirely out of adjectives: ‘magnificent’ is the best I can do. 🙂
Oh but there’s more. Because there was SO MUCH FOOD, Miss H. begged Mark and me to come over this evening and help her with the leftovers. Which, being the good and generous friends that we are, we agreed to do. And that was magnificent too. And convenient as well, because I’d left my car over there, because wine, and because Mark had driven down from Seattle and gone straight there. So this evening we walked over and (drank less wine and) drove home.
Also, we did our work. I finished reading The Queen and The Tower, and then we began our discussions of the world. Already I have more figured out, and some really cool ideas. Honestly, people, this book–I’ve rewritten it SO MANY TIMES, it’s quite the Frankenstein monster of a novel. There are so many great elements, and then just parts that go clunk; they don’t fit, they fit some previous understanding of the world…I’m so thrilled to have his help, because seriously, I can hardly see it any more. Somewhere in my head are all the versions I’ve ever written, and all the logic that ever even kind of made sense, and I can’t tell which end is up any more.
Anyway, more of this tomorrow. For now, time to crash.