A Tale of Two First Novels

I’ve been talking a lot lately about The Queen and The Tower (formerly known as Nightcraft Mother), because I’ve been working Very Very Hard on editing it–responding to editorial feedback from Brilliant Editor and from Mark, and wondering if this will push back the publication date (spoiler: probably).

But there’s another book working its way towards publication: my hippie horror novel Eel River. Which was actually the first novel I sold, chronologically speaking. Morrigan Books will be bringing it out. It’s a standalone, and it’s deliciously creepy, and I got my editorial letter this week.

Marvelously, delightfully, thankfully–the requested revisions are very minor. Little matters of phrasing. Too many commas. That sort of thing. (Plus, sprinkled here and there, charming little notes from my editor, highlighting passages she loves. Dear All Editors Everywhere: yes please do this!! Happy author is happy!)

I will get these edits back to her this week, most likely. I don’t know the publication date of this novel; there have been a few delays, but it’s coming out in e-book only first, and I know that’s quicker than dead-tree, so, maybe late 2013?

So I still don’t know what my “first novel” is going to be. (Because, of course, neither of these are the first novel I ever wrote. Or even the several after that one. You are all very glad to never be seeing those.)

In other news: Mark’s been here since Saturday, and our friends Dan and Kim (and their little dog too) visited for the weekend; they left mid-day today. It was a REALLY fun visit, with far too much to eat, but a whole lot of walking to kinda sorta make up for it.

After they left, Mark and I rode our bikes to the gym today, swam, and rode home. Oh what studly studs we are. But we have joined a group in signing up for the 8-bridge ride for the Providence Bridge Pedal in a few weeks, and since I hadn’t ridden my bike all year, it seemed like a sensible thing to do, rather than just embarking on a 24-mile ride all unprepared…

And for some reason, I’m tired now.

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