I forgot to take a photo before I started eating, but you get the idea: garden tomatoes and basil plus fresh mozzarella burrata equals yum!
Yes: back in Portland, after a brief jaunt to Seattle which included two parties, a long and very productive meeting with Brilliant Editor, several breakfasts out, a lovely swim, not enough sleep, and very little internet.
Whew, nice to be home. 🙂
It looks to be a quieter week ahead. Which is good: I’ve got LOTS to do. It will be nice to have some time to focus on things, rather than darting from one task to another, rush-rush-rush. I’ve updated my to-do list, but the thing that REALLY needs focus is my revision of The Queen and The Tower. I’ve gone over it in exhaustive detail with Mark, and it was the subject of the meeting with Brilliant Editor; and now…I think it’s up to me. ::nervous laugh:: Yep. Going to get right on that….um, tomorrow morning, when I’m fresh.