Oh goodness I am proud of all I got done today.
Did Ashtanga yoga; moved furniture around, dusted, organized, situated; vacuumed; laundry; a touch of yardwork; several hours of proofreading; made, consumed, cleaned up after three healthy meals; talked to my mom on the phone; found a book that had been lost for months; AND, to top it all off, I spent hours working on Queen and Tower, and got to the end of chapter 1, at long last.
Tomorrow Mark and I have to get up VERY VERY EARLY and ride our bikes across the river to the starting line of a VERY VERY LONG bike ride, and we are no readier than we were the last time I told you this, but there’s no more time to get ready, so oh well!
Pics and a full report to follow, when I have time/energy. Which may not be tomorrow. 🙂