Sorry for the Paucity of Posting this week. I’ve had a freelance job that has eated my brain. (As zombies do.) But! It is done now. For which yay!!!
Anyway, today (after turning in the Brain-Eating Freelance Job), Mark and I went to the Dahlia Festival with our friend Miss T.
And lo, there were many dahlias.
And maybe we even bought some of them. Ahem.
And then! The across-the-street neighbors invited us to dinner. Fun thing, getting to know the neighbors. I wish I’d tried it sooner.
They made several dishes from this one giant carrot.
The carrot-part, and the top-part as well.
So, life is good, and the brain-eating freelance job is done…and, perhaps, maybe, hopefully, I might even get back to working on my own writing-work soon.