
We went out and made it official today:
Which will make it possible to combine our health insurance, and make a few other things easier. And also gives us a fancy certificate. Amusingly, the first certificate the clerk produced had a typo in the title: our county’s name was spelled wrong. He thanked me for pointing it out, set it aside with a note, and found this other one. 🙂

Yeah, I am a proofreader.

Then we spent the rest of the day being VERY VERY BUSY DOING ONLY SOME OF ALL OF THE THINGS (there are DAYS AHEAD before we get to ALL the things), including Mark put up a pot rack in the kitchen:
Pot Rack
Yeah I think I’ll let him stay.

Meanwhile, I am so very very tired. We go to England in less than three weeks, and Orcas Island (for three months!) mere moments after we return from that trip. So of course I slept horribly last night, waking up at 3am thinking about ALL THE THINGS. I should have just gotten up and done some of them. I’m ready for bed now!

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