Red Hat

I mentioned we’d bought the world’s best red hat. In case you didn’t believe me, here’s photographic evidence:

So it’s a little dark, but I think you get the idea.

It only blew off once today–and we were in SOME WIND!!! We walked a ton, hurting my arch all over again, till we gave up and took the Tube places. We went to Evensong at Westminster Abbey, which was lovely. And spent a LOT of time at the Tate, where I saw one of my favorite paintings ever (A Hopeless Dawn, by Frank Bramley), but alas, they didn’t have any prints of it for sale, and mine is long since destroyed. But it was amazing to see it in person again. That’ll have to keep me. (I have a very low-res version as my computer background screen…it’s kind of obscure.)

Anyway, that photo above is from our only meal of the day, at a pub near the Tate–we sort of got too busy to remember to eat, which is most unlike us. It’s been that kind of vacation. No wonder my foot hurts. 🙂

Tomorrow, perhaps, the Tower!

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