Today we drove around part of the left-hand side of the island. It was another spectacularly beautiful day, though COLD! So being in the car was great.
We started by exploring down to the end of the road at Deer Harbor, admiring the many lovely no-job homes. (There’s an expression here on the island–as is probably true in many places like this–people who live here either have two jobs or no job.)
Then back around to the top of the island, past Eastsound Village, followed a small road to its dead end, et voila–
–there’s Mt. Baker, across the water, along with other Cascade Mountains.
But a small sign had caught our attention, so after admiring the snowy peaks, we drove back towards Eastsound, and found the delightful Island Hoppin’ Brewery, and sampled their wares.
For science!
And then on to Orcas Island Pottery, which had many gorgeous things–
–plus a tree house, built up in a real tree and everything.
And then we came home to try to salvage some little scrap of work-day. Oh, but look, it’s almost dinner time. Truly, tomorrow we will be productive, yes we will. But this weather–it’s just been too lovely to stay in!