Quiet Again

It was a fine (long) weekend! And now the family has left this morning (those who didn’t leave Saturday), and Mark and I have spent the day putting the house back together. 🙂 Laundry and guest-room cleaning and kitchen-cleaning/reorganizing and the like. Plus we both did a little freelance work.

But, such a lovely visit. It was good to have everyone here for as long as we did; it gave us time to relax together, especially after the frenetic-ness of Thanksgiving. (and how CLEVER of Mark to propose on Thanksgiving day! I was so distracted by meal-prep, I didn’t even notice him sneaking off and speaking to all my family the night before, in small groups.)

Not only was it nice to have the family here to share in the excitement of that, but it was also good to have them here for the first bit of brainstorming about the wedding. Nothing is settled yet, but we’re thinking Mendocino County, and early October. Simple, but with a lot of guests. (Heck, the wedding party alone will probably be huge…)

Another lovely thing that happened this weekend was ice cream. (Because ice cream is at least as important as marriage, right?) 😉 Brother’s girlfriend’s mom scored us an ice cream maker at a thrift store for $6, and it works, and it’s amazing! We made vanilla for the pies for Thanksgiving day, and scarfed it all down; last night I made fresh strawberry, and it was even better. Plus, we’ve still got some left over–Mark and I had some tonight, and there’s enough for another dessert tomorrow. Next I’m going to try mint chocolate chip. I need more rock salt and half and half, and mint oil.

Tomorrow it’s supposed to start getting REALLY cold here. We might just stay in and work all day…hmm, except for needing those ice cream ingredients. Hmm.

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