Busy couple of days around here! We had inn guests over the weekend, a very nice couple who didn’t complain about the cold weather at all. Also we both got a lot of work done; I finished a huge freelance job (got it out the door today), and have picked up a new client, which is awesome.
And, a long-lost friend from Days of Yore sent me a VERY nice email yesterday, to which I responded at length today–hopefully not TOO much length. 🙂 It feels very good to reconnect with her.
Mark and I also spent some time working on the Preliminary Wedding Guest List Including Everyone We Know Or Have Ever Known Ever. Yes, this will have to be whittled down…it’s far too many hundreds of people. But! I believe we have a wedding venue, and therefore a date. We’re awaiting final confirmation, but it’s looking good.
The next step will be to firm up the wedding party itself. We’ve got some interesting and unusual choices there, I think.
Weather-wise, it’s supposed to warm up enough to snow tomorrow. That should be exciting!
Oh, and for a while yesterday and today, we appeared to be playing Clumsy One-Upsmanship. He turned on the heater only partway (i.e. blowing cold air for hours); I dumped soup all over the floor (and my foot and my pants); he unplugged the bottom of a salt shaker and spilled salt everywhere; I broke a wine glass…I was scared to let him go out and chop wood for the fireplace, but I’m happy to report that the run of mishaps appears to have stopped with the wine glass.
In any event, it’s time for bed. We should be safe there, right? 😉