The other day, Stina posted about playing “Asshole,” a card game our friends Camille and Claude taught us. It’s super duper fun, but it takes four (exactly four) people, so we haven’t played it in a while, because mostly these days we are just two, at least when it comes to game-playing time. (Or way more than four, like last night when we were seven, so we just drank wine and shared origin stories.)
But tonight! Wait, let me backtrack.
Innkeeping is so much fun, as it turns out. We’ve met the most amazing array of marvelous people. We’ve been invited to people’s homes, and have been given gifts, and have cooked dinner for a person or two, and babysat dogs. Before we got here, I thought this would be a lot harder than it’s been. But, pretty much, people are here to relax and have fun; they are on vacation; and, it’s such an amazing island, and such a cozy, comfortable inn, that folks are just…well, relaxed and comfortable.
Tonight’s guests are a delightful young couple from Seattle (and Chicago and England). They had brought a cake she had baked–you know, as one does–and so offered to share. So it was only natural to share my wine, and so then we got to talking, and then the wife said, “So, do you play any games?”
Out came Stina’s instructions, and off we went. It helped that we’d all played it before, though no one could really remember how exactly; we reconstructed it easily enough.
It is the funnest game. And I’m not just saying that because I ended the night as President.