FogCon and Gone Again

It was a lovely FogCon! It’s like my old home town con, though it didn’t start happening till I left the Bay Area. But it was marvelous to see so many writer-friends from around here. It went by too fast.

Mark and I read from “Mad Gus Missteps,” our collaborative story from the beer anthology, reprinted (with the footnotes where they belong) in Eastlick and Other Stories.

S&M reading

The reading went SUPER WELL, the audience laughed the whole time, which makes the stagefright so much easier for me, honestly, I actually enjoyed myself. 🙂

Now we are are my brother’s (and his marvelous girlfriend’s) place in Marin, for a few days. They treated us to a lovely sushi dinner this evening; and now everyone has gone to bed except for SOMEONE who isn’t sleepy, because she slept till nearly 11 this morning, because daylight savings + con, and needed to update her blog once in a blue moon.

And so she has, so she guesses she’ll at least go to bed and read a while.

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