It was a lovely FogCon! It’s like my old home town con, though it didn’t start happening till I left the Bay Area. But it was marvelous to see so many writer-friends from around here. It went by too fast.
Mark and I read from “Mad Gus Missteps,” our collaborative story from the beer anthology, reprinted (with the footnotes where they belong) in Eastlick and Other Stories.
The reading went SUPER WELL, the audience laughed the whole time, which makes the stagefright so much easier for me, honestly, I actually enjoyed myself. 🙂
Now we are are my brother’s (and his marvelous girlfriend’s) place in Marin, for a few days. They treated us to a lovely sushi dinner this evening; and now everyone has gone to bed except for SOMEONE who isn’t sleepy, because she slept till nearly 11 this morning, because daylight savings + con, and needed to update her blog once in a blue moon.
And so she has, so she guesses she’ll at least go to bed and read a while.