Oh, home, we are home! Oh frabjous day!
Sleeping in our own bed last night was like a dream. Or, well, it was a dream. Lots of dreams. Yeah. Something like that. It was awesome.
But of course, because this is what we do, it’s time to dive right into the next thing! Which is the deck rebuild. Today we had to move all the pots and things off the deck. No small task…it took several hours and lots of muscle power. (I had LOTS of pots on the deck…)
As I’ve mentioned, not only are the planks on the top of the deck starting to rot (well, turning to soil); also the deck is sagging a bit at one corner.
Once we got all the junk cleared away, and since the contractor is coming by tomorrow to get Mark started on the demolition, we pulled the siding away to see what was actually going on under there.
Uh…I’d say that beam’s turning to soil too! I’d say we got all the life out of this deck that anyone was going to get! I’d say tomorrow is not a moment too soon to tear this baby down!
In other news! Because of course there is other news! I signed a contract today with Audible to produce an audio version of Eastlick and Other Stories, my short story collection through Book View Cafe. Woohoo! The narrator, whoever she or he may turn out to be, should have fun with such an eclectic bunch of stories…