Demolition, Day the Second

Demolition remains faster than construction. Mark probably would have gotten the whole deck taken apart today if he hadn’t spent so much time digging out, then sawing into small, carry-able chunks, the nasty rotten waterlogged old railroad ties that line the garden beds, so that we could take advantage of the dumpster to get RID of the awful things.

Even so, much progress was made today.
Planking Going Away
All the railing gone, and a lot of the decking. He’s sawing it into small, firewood-size pieces, because reasons.

The across-the-back-fence neighbor is VERY interested in the project. After a few hours supervising from his own yard, he just gave up and came over and supervised from here.
The Supervisor

Even so, much progress was made today. 🙂

Here’s another view of the underpinnings of the deck. Not a great photo: it was dark under there and bright out here (SUCH A GORGEOUS DAY!!!), but I think you can get the idea.
Rotten Beam

Meanwhile, in Our Lady land, I finished scene 10 (an entirely new scene), and had fruitful discussions with Mark which will lead to some refinements of scene 9, and which didn’t become apparent till scene 10 things made them so. Also I did some research as to sailing ships, and parts of same. Because reasons.

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