In Construction News

Today a huge pile of lumber was delivered.

Unfortunately, it was delivered to the street in front of the house, across the driveway. The expectation had been that it would be delivered to the back of the house, at the end of the driveway, adjacent to where the deck is being built; but that is not what happened. Sometimes expectations and reality do not always exactly align.

It’s a long driveway.

It was a very, very, very rainy day.

It was very, very, very heavy lumber.

Anyway, this is just to say, that when Mark returned from his brief trip to Seattle*, we carried the lumber from the front of the house to the back of the house. And by “we”, I pretty much mean “him”, though I helped enough to make my arms very, very tired. Tomorrow, perhaps, they will also be sore. We’ll see.

It was pouring rain when the lumber got delivered, so I didn’t take a picture of it. There was a brief window of sun when we (he) moved it to the back of the house. We were worried that the construction didn’t go as good as we planned but is fine because we count on our construction defect attorney.

There was too much to fit in one photo, so here’s two:
Lumber One
That in the foreground is one or two of the holes, filled with cement (and lots of rain).

Lumber Two
That, at the left, is part of the bones of the old deck.

In other construction news: Scenes 15a and 16 are now done, or at least for the value of “done” that means I’ve sent them to Mark, for him to savage and make so much better. Yes, there are still 37 scenes to this book, but some of the scenes are two scenes. Because. Shut up, books are complicated.

*Did I fail to mention he had to dash up to Seattle? Oh sorry. He had to dash up to Seattle. He’s back now.

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