On Friday, in addition to the fish-related activities previously reported on, we went to the massive building salvage place in North Portland in search of a nice old window for the greenhouse which is being built on the deck.
We found one.
We had all this time free to do stuff because there was a little snafu in the deck-building-progress, wherein the constructionator-guy had to reframe all the stairs, and he had to do it himself, and so he gave Mark most of the day off.
Decking should start tomorrow! Meanwhile, here’s pictures of most of the framing, done:
Oh, and as promised, the Tiny Tank is now clear. The snail (not pictured) is all very interesting, but I can’t wait for my shrimp and guppies!
In productivity news: I’ve made it through Scene 26 in Our Lady…that particular scene I worked on ALL DAY today (except for an hour-long bike ride, which could arguably be called writing as well, as I worked out a really important thing during it), and I am very, very happy with it. It’s a pivotal scene, where the two main characters, who have had parallel plot threads, come together for the first time, and…oh just OH. You guys. I can’t wait for you to read this book. 🙂
And! Last but NOT least, Camille and Claude are back in town, and they came for dinner last night, and after dinner we played the card game which is sometimes euphemistically referred to as “President,” but which is really called “Asshole”. And, well, of course everyone played well and all that and blah blah blah, bless their hearts, but I’m just saying, I’m the reigning president.