Deck Photos

While we were gone in Seattle (well, SeaTac), the constructionators brought back the big dumpster, and it was to be taken away at noon today. So our task this morning (and late last night) was to assemble as many things as possible to be put into the dumpster, and then to put those things into the dumpster. You know. As one does.

So last night we brought boxes up from the basement, and went through old tax files from 20 years ago, etc etc. And this morning we did more of that, plus put a whole pile of construction debris into the dumpster, plus old rotten piles of firewood, plus I yanked a whole bunch of vines down from the lilacs and threw them in there, plus etc etc.

I was going to go to the gym today, but at a certain point that began to seem ridiculous, so I didn’t.

And after all that, I edited a whole bunch of scenes of the book, though there are still quite a bit more to do. But hey: every day we get closer!

And there are deck photos!

We had breakfast sitting on the steps.
Breakfast on the Deck
We won’t bring back the deck furniture till after we seal the deck, which has to come when there is a reliable span of a few sunny days. Which, er, is not now. It’s already raining again, till the end of time.

Another angle on the pergola, outside the back door. This will be covered in trumpet vines, if we have any say in the matter.

Upper and Lower Deck
Standing by the greenhouse, looking over part of the upper deck, down onto the lower deck.

We’d planned cable railing, but because of lots of reasons, many of them money and some of them time, we went with this vertical wood railing. I LOVE it, as it happens. Cable, I think in retrospect, would have looked weirdly modern on a 100+ year old house. The top of the railing isn’t really that white; that was the sun. Which is gone now.

Greenhouse Beyond
Standing on the other side of the upper deck, looking past the pergola to the greenhouse beyond.

I tried to get a direct photo of the greenhouse, but I took several of them and they all look stupid and not-right, so…I’ll keep trying. Maybe it’ll photograph better when it has shelves in it, and plants, and all that. Who knows? It looks awesome in real life, I have to say. The whole thing is pretty amazing.

And today, because there was no hammering and sawing and noisy generators going on in our back yard, three count’em THREE of our neighbors a) mowed b) edged c) had their carpets professionally cleaned d) mowed some more. But only when I was trying to write.

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