Especially when I’ve got a disconnected jumble of things to write about. 🙂
Yesterday was a lovely day–almost kind of a day off, or as much of a day off as freelancers/writers ever get. It was sunny, and Miss H came over to see the new deck, and for her-and-me to have girl-time, though before we left for that, she graciously took a bunch of pictures so Mark and I can build our Wedding Website (because that’s what you do these days, apparently.)
Here are some outtakes…
Mark had a piece of lint on his collar.
The photo we ended up using is kinda sorta like this one:
And then Miss H and I had a lovely walk, and then some ice cream, and finished our visit off with thrift-store-ing. Very nice!
Then I came home and did work till bedtime. 🙂 Today, in addition to work, I: rode my bike to the bank (and back); walked to yoga and got caught in a torrential downpour (with hail); read a bunch–well, that was technically work too, as it was research–; watered the lettuce (because it’s in the greenhouse, and missed any benefit of the torrential downpour); finalized and sent out my resume to a potential client or two. And made breakfast and dinner. And fed the fish. Okay, it makes sense that I’m this tired.