Oh my goodness, what a negligent blogger! Often I think, Oh I blogged yesterday; I can skip today; but apparently I blogged three or four yesterdays ago, and that just won’t do.
So! It’s been a busy week and weekend. Work on Our Lady of the Islands continues frenetically; the book is getting closer and closer and closer and clooooooooooser to the end without actually getting there….(and, I fear, it’s also getting loooooonger….oh but it’s going so well!). Soon, my friends, very very soon.
Not soon enough, alas, to make Locus’s just-announced “forthcoming” list:
But I was VERY pleased to see it featured there. Forthcoming in October, now, honest, we promise!
And there has been a lot of reconnecting with people I don’t talk to or see often enough. Some friends came over for dinner last night–and I barbecued successfully–I bought one of those chimney-things everyone advised me to (and brought it home in my backpack on my bike!), and it worked fabulously. And the friends stayed late and lots of wine was drunk and cards were played, and it was marvelous.
And Thursday night we had another friend over, who had just had to put down her 15+ year old dog. Heartbreaking. She was also a friend of Jay, so it was a particularly hard week for her.
And I spent a lot of time constructing the wedding-website, which included making phone calls to strangers, which I just hate doing, but I did it, more than once–more than five times–lots of times!
And this weekend I also did my final proofing pass on the ARC of Being Small, and noticed a timeline-anomaly that made me simultaneously quite pleased with myself for catching it and entirely horrified that I’d not caught it sooner. The author was very gracious about it, fortunately. He’s nice that way.
Hm. What else? Lots of gardening. Some swimming (yay the heater is fixed at the gym’s pool!). Some yoga. Lots of proofreading. A number of potential clients on the horizon for Mark. My financial anxiety is abating somewhat…though we are not out of the woods. But things are looking up.
There, I think that reasonably catches us up. Now I need to go lie on the couch and read a book. For research. No really. 🙂