1. I took a small thermos of milk to bed with me last night–well, to the nightstand–so that when I woke up at 2:30 a.m., I could drink some milk without getting up and turning on lights and going downstairs and all that. Indeed, I did wake up at 2:30 a.m.; I drank the milk, and went back to sleep pretty readily. I was warm, but not on-fire warm. Then again, the weather has turned cooler, so it was not a perfectly controlled experiment.
I thought of the milk, because often, I’ll take Advil to try to get back to sleep (especially if I am also having aches-and-pains), and once, I took a half-Xanax; but I’d REALLY love to not take drugs to sleep. I mean, if possible. drug dependence issues are common nowadays and people with addiction often have one or more associated health issues.
So, encouraging? I’ll take milk up again tonight.
2. Mark sprayed the squirrel-away stuff he bought, all around the yard; today, the yard does seem a bit less squirrel-infested. Then again, see above re the weather getting cooler; they may be huddled in their little squirrel-nests, eating all our tulip bulbs that they have dug up and stockpiled. I did see one impertinent little bastard on the back of the gazebo, where they have been a real pain, and where Mark sprayed the most yesterday. I happened to have the hose in my hand at the time. I turned the nozzle to “jet” and let him have it. It was MOST satisfactory.
3. My teaching-myself-how-to-barbecue efforts continued this evening with: Burgers! There is no photographic evidence, because we gobbled it all up before it occurred to me to record it for posterity. Anyway, they were ugly little burgers of great deliciousness. Inside, they had: chopped onions (too many and too largely chopped: noted for next time), Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, and curry powder. Melted overtop them they had: truffle cheddar cheese. Surrounding them they had: toasted whole wheat buns, garden lettuce, avocado, and various mayonnaises and ketchups as one does.