Totally Boring Ride

Well, we did it: we rode our bikes all the way out the Springwater Corridor Trail today, to Boring, Oregon!

Welcome to Boring Oregon

It was a lovely ride; something just over 42 miles, I think. Oddly, the hardest part was in the middle. The trail feels flat, but it must be a verrrrrrrry slight incline in the eastbound direction, because about two miles shy of Boring, I was ready to drop, and couldn’t imagine how we were going to get ALL THE WAY back home again. But then the return trip wasn’t bad at all.

Of course, we paused for lunch in the middle there, in a…well, boring little park, I have to say.
Boring Park

On the way home, we stopped and ate so many wild blackberries oh my god. Also, once we got back to town, we stopped at a puppet museum, and watched the proprietor and some confederates rehearse an upcoming puppet show for a while. Before coming home and collapsing…

Oh and I got a little sunburned, on my lower front-of-thighs. Guess I should consider sunscreen. 🙂

And my feet are officially, once again this summer, absurd:
Absurd Feet
Those are clean feet. That’s just tan, from my Keen sandals. Happened last summer too.

Now if you’ll excuse me, that’s about all the coherence I can pretend to; it’s off to bed.

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