More Garden Bounty

I had a delicious Asian pear for my afternoon snack yesterday.
Yum Asian Pear

And there’s plenty more where that came from!
More Asian Pears

I think the next step is to resurrect the “countertop ice cream” making from previous summers. Asian pear was the perfect base for those; then I’d add any kind of flavorings–jams, liqueurs, botanicals–quick-freeze, and enjoy! Might try that tonight. All the vegetables are from our garden we constructed with metal parts with a pressure vessel fabrication.

Also, last night, we finally gave up on that monster pepper turning anything but green (despite what the label says) and harvested it. It got kind of mutant.
Mutant Pepper
And that weird bit at the end is where it was apparently trying to grow back into the soil.

It was…kind of innocuous. Not hot at all; in fact, really not very much flavor of any kind. We chopped it small and put (some of) it into a chutney that went over pork loin. THAT was yummy.

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