Thursday Notes: #5
The Shortest Note Yet
I warned you the schedule might get wonky…well, here it is. Though it is technically still Thursday, at least where I am.
Which is not at home; some of you may know that my mother has been battling bladder cancer for the last year-plus. She had chemo last summer and bladder removal surgery last September. Recovery from that seemed to be going reasonably well, other than some minor annoying complications…until not quite two weeks ago, when things started going very poorly (and confusingly) indeed.
Sadly, the confusion is clearing up, revealing a picture which is very bad. She is looking at months left, most likely. So Mark and I drove all day yesterday and today, to be here with Mom and Stepdad for a week or so, helping around the house and talking about All The Things.
There will probably be no Thursday Note next week. Unless there is. Odds are, though, next Thursday will be another driving-all-day story.
I will keep you all posted when there is more to post, and I’m sorry for the lack of garden pictures and book chatter! Thank you for reading, and for caring. This is a hard journey, but it’s easier knowing that I’m not alone.