Thursday Notes: #24
Writing Regularly
The thing about writing every day, or nearly every day: it begets more writing.
I knew this–we all knew this–and yet…it’s always a revelation to see it happen.
I’m working on a long fiction project at the moment, and I’m also still doing these Medium articles, which continue to be a huge amount of fun. I keep thinking I’m going to run out of ideas, but, the thing is? More ideas just keep popping up. I’ve published five articles this month already, and I’ve got another one in my “drafts” folder. Every time I sit down to write, the words show up.
I did have my “featured” article thing happen, with the Trophy Wife essay. It went up on Monday. They changed the stock photo illustration, and they wrote a subtitle that I thought was kinda dumb, but whatever. People are reading the article in droves, and even commenting on it…mostly favorably. Some of that readership is also spilling over into my other articles. Which is awesome! It’s also giving me a little bit of stagefright, but I pushed through that, and it seems to be subsiding.
I also have a cold at the moment, which is kind of a bummer. It’s not a terribly bad one, at least not so far. I’m trying to take care of myself. Mark made delicious chicken soup; we ate it all, I need to convince him to make some more. 🙂 (cough, cough)
And here’s a right-side-up photo! At long last! It came in sideways, as always, but finally I am able to edit them again, with a few clicks. Hooray!
This lovely little redheaded woodpecker looooves the suet feeder outside my office window. I mean, all the birds do, but I see this guy more often than anyone else. Very pretty.
All right, that’s all the news for this week. I have to go make a batch of Meyer limoncello now, yum, even though I’m too sick to drink any. Life is unfair….
Thanks for reading!