Took his jaylakeness out in the world today, in the car–well, not the Witchmobile, which would be a challenge; but a different, more reasonable conveyance. (And this, of course, after another hour-long walk.) We went to a video store, and then out to dinner.
Looks pretty normal, don’t you think? 🙂
Tomorrow we meet with the surgeon for the post-op follow-up, and then the oncologist for the “What’s Next” discussion. Needless to say, there’s some angst and anticipation there. Not much to be done but wait for it…then we will know the deal, and can plan from there. shelly_rae comes down about mid-day; then I leave for points south at OMG-thirty Tuesday morning. Hoping to dodge deadly weather as I go…
That’s all I know for now. More tomorrow!