Quieter Living Through Chemistry

Low key day today. Which was all to the good.

Everyone slept 8 or 9 hours last night, which (and I say again) was all to the good. Then Jay and I proceeded to do a whole lot of nothing, while the more adventuresome Shelly Rae and the Child went out and attempted to climb plastic rocks, were turned away from same, so did adventuresome science-museum things instead.

Even so, when they came back they were still willing to go for a walk with us. Which (all together now!) was all to the good.

Then later we made art. When Jay’s camera is finished speaking to the interwebs about it, he will be posting same–so watch his space for them later this evening. And it will be (you guessed it) all to the good!


Seriously, he is doing very, very well today. Much better than he’d feared, quite a bit. He’s tired, low energy, and has moments of spoonlessness, but has had full brain power, no nausea to speak of, and is in pretty good spirits. I’ll take that as a win.

He even took pictures of me doing Special Kitchen Yoga:

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