Hob Day

I spent much of today working on Hobgoblin…it started, as these things often do, with me realizing I had been rather too long out of the story, and needed to reread it from the start to get back into it, get back into the heads of the characters.

So of course I ended up editing the first four chapters. AGAIN.

After the first three, I went for a swim, and spent the entire time thinking about the Fae characters, and their motivations, and how some of them seem to overlap, but they really don’t; and how they are all working at cross-purposes, undermining one another when they’re apparently being helpful.

So I came home and wrote up a bunch of notes on that; then edited chapter 4, which I’ve already done like seventeen times, but now, NOW maybe I’ve got it. Kinda. Sorta.

Then I started rewriting chapter 5, which needs to be entirely different from what is currently written, but I didn’t get very far with that before I ran out of steam, and went out into the back yard and battled entropy instead. Which also needed doing. My yard waste bin is now full of vines. 🙂

And! I ate my first two cherry tomatoes! Sweet as candy. And harvested another zucchini, half of which went into my dinner salad. Le Yum.

All in all, a day of good accomplishment.

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