My Goodness

In watering the orchids today, I got a close look at one of the new-grown spikes:

It spiked out in the usual way, but then stopped and…split, I guess, into at least four separate nubs. Are they all going to become separate spikes? That’s new, and cool. Or maybe those will just be blossoms there? But that’s not what blossoms normally look like.


This is one of my healthiest orchids–actually, they’re all doing pretty well (and EVERYONE is putting out spikes again), but this one is extra-robust, despite how its leaves look (still somewhat weary from last summer’s heat, and they’ve always been kind of twisted-up). It’s got bright shiny abundant roots–enough roots for four normal orchids. So, yeah, maybe it’ll make four orchids’ worth of flowers too. 🙂


Elsewise, kind of a frustrating day. Much driving around to very little avail; going back to places to exchange incorrect things, then returning home with no time to see if the new thing will work; hurrying to get places to wait for people who were late; calling people who didn’t answer; stuck in traffic. Also technology woes, which have apparently, and mysteriously, resolved themselves. Which is good, I guess, but since I have no understanding about WHY they resolved (i.e., after I did the same recommended thing for the sixteenth time, and lo, got a different result (i.e. definition of insanity writ large)), I have no confidence that they will REMAIN resolved.

Anyway. That’s all I can do for now. Meh. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

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