Doing New Things

I went cross-country skiing with H. today. Which, technically, isn’t a new thing; but I only ever did it once before, twenty-five years ago, so it might as well have been.

Things I learned today: this body is twenty-five years older. It fell down in the snow a lot. But, this brain is also twenty-five years older. It didn’t experience much embarrassment at falling down a lot. Frustration, yeah; I would have much preferred not falling down! But, it was okay.

And it was a definite stretch, definitely trying something new and challenging. And–perhaps most important of all–I knew when to stop. I knew when my body was done. So I sat in the lovely sunshine until H. had had her fill of skiing, and then we drove back down the mountain and soaked in the hot tub at the gym for a good long time.

Even so, this old body is going to be sore tomorrow. :/ It already is.

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