You Guys!

Wow, everyone who commented on my “LOOK AT MY SHAMBLES OF DESK AND TABLE” post was distinctly unimpressed. “Bah!” you all said. “That is nothing! My levels of chaos laugh in the face of your measly little stacks of cutely organized randomness!”

And that is terrifying!! Doesn’t the universe just fly apart when things are that disordered? Or….is it just me?*

Anyway. I made some progress on the organization–I made file folders for a lot of it, although now I need a new filing cabinet, so the folders are sitting on the table. But that’s better! And a new thing or two came in; but I did manage to put a few things into already-existing folders in the drawer; so it all looks much the same but feels somewhat better. If that makes sense.

Today was a busy day–I went to the office and met with the Boss Man, who isn’t really my boss, in the traditional sense; perhaps I should call him the Honcho. Anyway, we spent a lot of time talking about my upcoming open house; and I got fliers (with my photo on them!) and OPEN HOUSE signs and forms and whatnot; and I went to visit the house, letting myself in with my new lockbox-opener; and that was all cool.

Except for the part where I opened the fridge in the garage, and realized too late that the agent whose listing this is had stocked the fridge with lovely Mexican Cokes in glass bottles, and one of the bottles was leaning or something, because it flung itself onto the concrete floor and shattered into a million pieces of glass and sugar and caffeine and caramel color, onto my pants and new boots. And, of course, the floor, which I had nothing to clean it up with, so that’s another item for my list of “things to bring to the house”.

I will open fridges in empty houses much more gingerly going forward.

In other news: Here is what the orchid which was spiking so weirdly is doing now:

Yes, it is going to make four entire spikes of blossoms off one stalk! Also, it has a second, unrelated spike, which has two small branches coming off it. It will be CRAZY WITH BLOOMS! I took a photo of that spike too, but the camera decided to focus on a chair in the background and not on the spike, which makes a nice metaphor for something, I suppose, but a crappy photo. So you’ll just have to take my word for it.

*And my mother is reading this right now and laughing, a slightly hysterical laugh, because she despaired at my bedroom when I was a teenager. Suffice it to say, I like tidiness now, and that was a preference and a skill I developed later in life.

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