It was a lovely celebration of life for Mark Bourne yesterday, and truly nice to spend time with so many good people. Including a rather long time just sitting comfortably and chatting with the most recent ex and his kid. Which, you know, that sort of thing has NOT been happening, and I’m quite glad that it did, and I have hopes that things will continue easing like that.
It was a rather dreadful drive up there, and across town getting to the event–Seattle folks apparently become confused when the sun shines, and they forget how to drive, instead they race out and crash into each other–but, I only saw accidents, I didn’t become involved in any.
And then I would have posted last night but my lovely portable internet device decided it had had enough, so I went to bed instead, alone at Mark’s place, which was sort of sweet (his place!), but also sort of sad and wrong (something very important was missing…).
Then, this morning, I had to rush down here to do an open house, so I got up stupidly early for a Sunday morning–but, let me tell you, Sunday morning is a spectacular time to make that drive! I made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs the whole trip in three hours flat, including several stops for Fluid Disposal and Replenishment (Various). Without ever going more than two miles an hour over the speed limit.
And the open house went well, I suppose; I really can’t tell at this point, what contacts are going to turn into anything and which aren’t. Lots of nice people came by, anyway. Also, a cat tried to walk in through the open door. That’s a first. 🙂
And now I am well and truly exhausted and ready for the weekend. Wait, what?