Ever Forward

I got a lot done today, including another chapter edited in Hobgoblin. Which is all very nice, except then I looked ahead to the next chapter, which is from a POV I’ve eliminated; and the chapter after that is from the POV I’m replacing it with; so obviously these two chapters should be combined; except together they’re like 40 pages long, which is like 20 pages too much; and, well, I’ve got some figuring-out to do before I even tackle that.

Even so. Chapter! Today! Yay!

Also, I did lots of organizey-things, and had a nice swim, and ran errands and paid bills, and other sort of grown-up behavior.

Speaking of which. While I was swimming, three teenage boys started playing in the lane next to mine, splashing and roughhousing. I thought, Why doesn’t an adult come and tell them to cut it out? And then I realized, Oh, I’m an adult. So I gave them a stern adult-face, and they settled down a bit.

I thought about actually speaking to them, but not only am I horribly conflict-averse, but I have a real thing about talking to people in the pool. See, I’m wearing earplugs, and goggles; I’m not really available for conversation. And part of the whole appeal of the swim is to go into that other place, that not-talking-to-people place. So: yeah, perhaps cowardly; but there you have it. (And there’s a similar problem with going and reporting such things to the authorities: there I am, soaking wet and wearing a bathing suit; I don’t want to leave the pool (and possession of my lane) and walk through a club full of less-wet and more-dressed people. You know?)

Anyway. Stern adult-face took care of it well enough. So I’ll call that a win.

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