WorldCon Cometh

Next week we leave for WorldCon. It just sort of crept up on me!

I don’t have any programming (yay), but Mark does. So I’ve printed out his schedule and am planning social stuff around that. (So organized!) It should be fun. I haven’t been to a WorldCon in a few years–Australia was the last one, and everything is different this time, suffice it to say.

In other news…I spent a lot of time on Hobgoblin today, eliminating the first of those two to-be-combined chapters (I needed only a paragraph and a half from it, and ended up using only a sentence of that), and then realizing the second chapter is Completely Wrong. So I’m rewriting it and erasing the old stuff as I go. I guess I’m five or six pages into the new stuff. If I do this right, I should end up with ten, maybe fifteen pages at the most. Replacing forty, which is all to the good.

Other than that, not much to report! The heat wave has finally settled down into comfortable warm temperatures. I eat things from the garden every day. Life is good. 🙂

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