Tomatoes I Don’t Even

So there’s a few volunteer tomato plants in the yard, which didn’t surprise me, because last year I planted tomatoes, and sometimes the tomato fruits fall off the tomato plants and land on the ground, and they have seeds in them, and you know.

But this? I… didn’t plant anything that looked like this last year.

(wet because I just watered)

The picture doesn’t really show it, but they’re much larger than the cherry tomatoes I had, but smaller than regular-size ones. I can’t wait to see what they taste like. Should be ripe in a day or two!

In other news: oh yes, I finished a novel edit today. 🙂 And my characters surprised me right up to the last few lines. I love it, what they decided to do. I had no idea.

Now I am rereading the book as quickly as I can (and, yes, making little changes here and there–I use WAY too many dashes–can you imagine?) before turning it over to first readers. I’m about a third of the way through, hope to get to halfway before bedtime, but, hmm, we’ll see…


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