I donated the old Subaru to the Oregon Humane Society; they picked it up today. Done!
I just didn’t want to deal with trying to sell a car that had so many wonky little problems. Of course I told the Humane Society everything that was wrong with it, and they were still thrilled to get it; apparently Subarus, even problematic ones, sell very well for them. So everyone wins.
I have somewhat mixed feelings about saying goodbye to that car. It was very useful, and I enjoyed driving it; but it must have been abused by its former owner or something, it brought unnecessary complication to my life. It’s the car I got my one and only speeding ticket in; it’s the car that broke down on I-5 in Redding in 105-degree heat (and driving at freeway speeds!), stranding us overnight; it broke down for Mark in southern California; and, most recently, it was covered with bones. (Which we eventually figured out must be chicken bones, dropped there by crows; but still.)
But it did serve me well, other times; I put many many many miles on it in the short time I had it, including quite a few very remote dirt-road miles. It never stranded us where there was no help to be found. (Is that damning with faint praise?) (Perhaps, but I think of the Redding breakdown and how 15 minutes later we would have been high in the mountains, and 15 minutes earlier there was no shoulder because of road work, just a concrete barrier, and two lanes of 70-mph traffic…)
Anyway–that project I mentioned yesterday–remember how a few years ago I bought this marvelous dresser, which was missing only its enormous mirror?
Well I’d always been meaning to do something about that…something creative, rather than just having a new mirror made. I’ve slowly been collecting interesting little mirrors, and finally started putting them up:
There will be more, as I come across them; I’ll fill that whole space, and maybe shift things around as needed. But I love it so far! And they all reflect differently, seeing the room from different angles, as it were. The picture doesn’t really do it justice, but you get the idea. I’m quite pleased.