I suppose it says something about my day that driving to Seattle was the most relaxing part of it. :/ Well, it’s been nice since I’ve gotten here, as well.
But yikes, the stuff I had to do before I left! I’d been working on some freelance projects all week–probably a whole week’s worth of work, that I managed to squish into three-days-plus-this-morning-which-leaked-into-this-afternoon. But I did get the last bit of it done, and sent off; and then I had to pack, and do the house stuff, and all that, and got into the car just in time for Portland’s rush hour (which starts at 3pm of course). I usually try to make this drive mid-day, to avoid all rush hours, but alas, that wasn’t in the cards for today. After I escaped town, all was well–including never even slowing down in Tacoma, which, if you know this drive, you know how remarkable THAT is.
Tomorrow, a meeting with Brilliant Editor (and his birthday party after that); on the weekend, Mark and I travel to Orcas Island, for a celebration of the fluid concept that is our anniversary. 🙂 Well, we met three years ago, more or less. We’ll call it an anniversary.