Sorry for not posting last night. All is well. Busy, but well. 🙂
So no sooner did I begin to settle in at home when we learned that there was a cancellation at a marvelous little writing retreat with entirely cool people, up at Port Townsend, a place Mark keeps wanting to take me to but we’ve never found the time. And it’s this weekend. My one weekend at home in like forever. Mark was going to go back to Seattle to get his own work done, I was going to stay here to do the same (I’ve got a novel edit due at the end of the month!), but….well, it’s a WRITING retreat, and writing is what I have to do, so–yeah, we’re going.
So yesterday and today have kind of been about getting done all I can here, about the house (and I am totally ignoring the garden…well it’s coming on winter anyway…), and laundry, and I’m not even unpacked from the last trip, and oh jeez I should pay these bills, and of course next week is Thanksgiving…you know.
But I’m excited to go to Port Townsend. 🙂 And to get LOTS of writing/editing done!
In other news, I went for a swim today, and god it felt good. I REALLY need to figure out how to continue getting exercise while traveling. Because this is ridiculous. I don’t know when I will get back to my gym again…
In other other news, we saw Cloud Atlas yesterday, and it was marvelous! I loved the book (which I read years ago, and sort of don’t remember); the movie seemed even better, I think. Very well done. And I’m glad I didn’t just have kidney surgery, because three hours is a LONG time to sit in a movie theater. Just sayin’.