Mark went home today; we’d been in the same places for over a month this time–many of them. First my birthday, here; then OryCon; then down to San Francisco for my dad’s surgery; then back here; then Seattle, for an overnight on our way to the writing retreat in Port Townsend; Seattle again, for an overnight on the way back here; then off to California again for Thanksgiving; then back up here, and Chaz’z visit; then Mark stayed a few extra days to get over his cold; and there you have it.
He returns Thursday to fetch me for an Epic Road Trip, taking most of December. (Because November’s travel was apparently not Epic enough…) But seriously, starting January 1, no one is allowed to do anything important that requires our presence. No birthdays, holidays, surgeries, graduations–nothing! Not till spring at the very earliest. Late spring. Early summer. No really.
Meanwhile, I am struggling very hard to finish the edit of The Queen and The Tower! I made good progress today, though it felt like pulling teeth at times. But once I stepped back and looked at all I had done, I was pleased. (and exhausted, and empty of brain.) I only have five chapters to go; and I got through the everything-starts-falling-over-here place, and made it lots better, I think. (though of course I’m too close to really tell…)
(and too tired…)
Reward now: bed and book. Book that somebody ELSE wrote.