Yreka Again

11:30 pm, made it to Yreka.

I did, eventually, manage to pack. But then All The Things and then All The OTHER Things happened, none of which are worth reporting but all of which took all the time, and we ended up leaving Portland at 4 instead of 2 (instead of noon), and … well, now it’s 11:30.

And it is literally freezing here! Brr!

And I believe I have solved at least PART Of the mystery of my mysterious allergies–the puffy-eyes thing. I appear to be allergic to the fish food. I’d heard of such things happening…I didn’t give it much credence, but I noticed that this only bothers me at home, and only late at night. Well, I fed the fish early today, because leaving; and within minutes, full-on eye puffies, and itching, and ugly.

It’s striking, because I’ve been careful all along to wash my hands immediately after feeding and before touching anything else (because blood worms: ew), but apparently, that’s not good enough. I’m not sure what the solution is. But it’s at least good to get some insight on the problem!

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