I’ve decided to rewrite Hobgoblin from scratch.
See, I was thinking it’s really a YA novel; except as written now, the two main characters are in their thirties; so I have to make them much younger.
Once they’re much younger, their basic living situations (and school and job situations) naturally have to change.
Plus shouldn’t there be an authority/parental figure of some kind? Relatively absent, of course, but still…
And naturally the word count is going to have to be less.
And once I’m doing all that, maybe I ought to take a closer look at the antagonists and their agendas…
Anyway, on and on like that it went, till I realized that I was looking at editing every scene so thoroughly, every little detail–I actually think it’ll be easier to rewrite from scratch.
La! It’s not like I haven’t done this before. I’ve written Demonhead from scratch three times–and it’s still not right. (Some day it will be. There’s a good novel in there, somewhere; when I figure out how to find it, I’ll fix it!)