Well, that was a nice start on the rewrite of Hobgoblin, anyway…then the last two days have been spent pretty much full-time (and then some) on a couple of freelance jobs–one a rush, one which took rather longer than it should have.
But they are both done now! But, it is late and I am Entirely Spent.
The good news, of course, is that I’ve finished (nearly) all my freelance work and can now get back to the novel.
The bad news, of course, is that I’ve finished (nearly) all my freelance work and I’ll be anxious to get some more in house.
Ah yes. This is why I had an Evil Day Jobbe for so many years…
Maybe I can get some errands done anyway, before more work comes in. That would be nice. But it’s dang cold outside. I don’t think it got above freezing today. The ground is visibly frozen solid, in the garden. Not very inviting.
Anyway–word count should resume tomorrow. If all goes according to plan. Hahaha.