I just finished a thousand words in Hobgoblin and it was like pulling frigging teeth.
Perhaps I’m tired…it was a very busy day (of many accomplishments!), but, wow.
I was hoping to get up to a 2,000-word-a-day pace, but…THIS WAS NOT THAT DAY.
Maybe tomorrow…
In other news, I took the Miata in for an oil change today, and they inspected the car, as they do; and they found something complicated they’d like to have fixed; and were astute enough to ask whether the car was still under warranty. I didn’t know; they called around and found out that, yes, this particular business is still covered (a power train issue), for another few months–yay!–so the dealer will be responsible for it, and it should be free for me. I love my mechanics.
Of course now I have to deal with the dealer, which is not my dealer because I bought the car in San Francisco, not quite five years ago; but, oh well. For free dealing-with-issue-ness, I’ll go to a dealer.
Now I think I am done thinking for the day.