I’m just a little better today; starting to get stir-crazy, which is a good sign, I think.
It was a gorgeous sunny day–our first one in forever–and I actually had the energy to go putter around in the yard for an hour. Nothing strenuous; cleared a couple of deck-pots of their old dead plants; did a little minor weeding; enjoyed the sun. And of course I came back inside and lay down for most of the rest of the day after that. 🙂
I’m not supposed to scratch the lesions, but they’re starting to itch more; last night while I was sleeping, I scratched one, a bit–I know this because it immediately hurt and I woke up. Now I’m debating whether I should cover them before I go to bed (to keep my unconscious hands off them) or leave them exposed (to the air so they will heal faster). Hmm.