The antiviral I was prescribed for my shingles has to be taken five times a day–with food.
There’s a reason for that…and though I diligently ate every time I took a pill this last week, I also experienced evidence supporting that reason. But it was minor, and I didn’t worry much about it.
This morning, I awoke with more severe intestinal distress…so much so that I went back to bed, slept several more hours (right through the yoga class I was hoping to go to), and basically took it easy all day.
Fortunately, today was the last day of the pills! In fact it was half a day, so I finished late afternoon. Hopefully, my system will begin to recover–and doubly hopefully, the shingles won’t surge back either. (The rash is slowly, slowly, slowly clearing up–the shingles lesions and the secondary rash too–whatever that is.)
I’m feeling tired, and restless, and eager to get back to normal, and leery of regressing, and achy from no-exercise, and achy from being sick, and…bleh.
On the good-things front, I actually remembered that I’m a writer, and not only opened Hobgoblin, but wrote a thousand words in it! First time in forever. The characters were right there and ready–in fact, they immediately darted off and did something I wasn’t expecting. I could almost see them rolling their eyes and saying, Where have you BEEN?
So that was good. And now, despite sleeping (uncomfortably, and with gruesome nightmares) till 10am, I’m beyond exhausted now and going to bed.