Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day–well, in the Page-Ferrari 2013 universe anyway. 🙂 And so I head to Seattle for our (rescheduled) fancy dinner out and Cirque du Soleil show.
I have pretty sparkly toenails for the occasion, even though it’s winter and nobody but us will see them.
Today I managed another 1,000 words on Hobgoblin–I’d hoped for more, but there were many other things going on, and I’m really thinking carefully about the pacing at this point–I’ve hit 25,000 words, and I’d like to bring this in at around 80K, so a few things that are going to Happen need to start Happening round about now. So I got one of them underway; that will be ready to embellish when I pick it up again. (and maybe I can even use some of the previous draft for this point.)
And, in news of the house, I got the back porch light replaced! But I forgot to take a picture until it got dark and rainy, so you will have to wait a bit to see it. I know, it’s maddening, this delayed gratification. But take heart. Adversity only makes you stronger. 🙂