Valentine’s Day (Take Two) was lovely–even if we didn’t get to see Cirque du Soleil–and we stretched the celebration through the weekend. As in, we laid very, very low. Didn’t even leave Mark’s room all day on Friday; went out for a little while yesterday. Though I did manage to get another 3,000 words done on Hobgoblin over the weekend, and Mark finished my cover art for The Queen and The Tower. (I’ll show you when the publisher gives us the thumbs-up!)
Today we walked down Eastlake for breakfast, and got to see the drawbridge up, up close, on the way home!
Then I drove home, uneventfully. The fish were very glad to see me. And I’m glad to be home, though sad (as ever) to leave Mark behind. Well. It won’t always be thus. But for now, it is.